The total area of the city of Munich is 31,000 hectares. Munich is therefore to Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Dresden and Bremen, the sixth largest city in Germany. In big cities is worth a electric scooter special. The advantages are obvious. The electric scooter runs economically. Moreover, finding a parking space is scarce and they escape any jam. Of the more than 310 km ? 44% of the buildings and associated open space, 17% transport, 15% agricultural land, 15% to recreational areas, 4% to woodlands, 1% water and another 2% to other land uses. Includes the border town of 118.9 kilometers. The greatest expansion of the urban area is 20.7 kilometers from north to south and 26.9 kilometers from east to west.
Who loves his electric scooter the shifts - not in Munich - you will find some charging stations for your electric scooter .
Since 1314 was the Duke Louis IV since 1328 German king and Holy Roman Emperor, and Munich has been considerably extended to his residence by a new second wall. Since that time, the colors of Munich, the colors of the old empire: black and gold. Since the end of the 14th Century, there were repeated rebellions of the citizens against the Dukes, which then transferred its seat of government from the old farm in the new residence on the outskirts. Because of the threat made by the Hussites in 1429 were the city fortifications were reinforced by an outer wall. 1442, the Jewish people expelled from the city. In 1468 the foundation stone for the new St. Mary "was placed Frauenkirche, whose construction lasted only twenty years.
Petersbergl Munich is the core, where it founded the city a settlement of monks from the monastery Sch?ftlarn. Since there is almost no recognizable time stamp of the first settlement was founded in Munich and is set during the first documentary mention. Munich was first issued in 1158 as Villa Munichen in a document recorded in Augsburg said after the Duke of Bavaria and Saxony, Henry the Lion, near the monastic settlement around St. Peter's a bridge over the Isar River in the location of present bridge at the Ludwig had Isarinseln. By a coup Henry had further destroyed the bridge to the north, to benefit the Bishop of Freising, near Oberf?hring, also from the rich salt trade in Augsburg. With the bridge, and so the salt trade, Munich received an award from the market, coin and customs law of Emperor Barbarossa granted on a diet at Augsburg. The bishops of Freising, however, were also subsequently participated in proportion to the revenue collected by the 19th Century, and fees for the use of the Isar.
The city of Munich is located in the transitional zone between the wet Atlantic and the dry continental climate. Other important factors are the weather in the Alps and the Danube as a Central share as regional weather. Because of this constellation, the weather is very changeable. The Foehn brings year-round from the south irregularly warm, dry air moves to Munich. Linked to this is a very good distance, so that even the Bavarian Alps can see very clearly. The previous highest was officially measured by the German Weather Service DWD temperature at the official weather station in Munich-Nymphenburg 35.8 degrees Celsius. Munich was plagued by its location in the state of Bavaria gewitterintensivsten by violent storms. Most striking here is the hailstorm of 12 July 1984, which caused damage amounting to the equivalent of 1.5 billion euros. Munich, is due to its proximity to the Alps and the snow town in Germany.
of 1852 exceeded the limits of the city's population of 100,000, it was a great city. Thereafter, the population increased greatly, so that life in 1883 in Munich, already 250,000 people. Until 1901, this number could double to over 500,000. Thus, the third largest city of Munich in the German Reich was to Berlin and Hamburg has become. In 1933 the population grew at 840,000 in 1957 to over one million. The first highlight of the population existed in the Olympic year with 1338924 on 31 December 1972.
Munich (Bairisch: Minga) is the state capital and approximately 1.35 million inhabitants the largest city in Bavaria, the third largest city in Germany and the twelfth of the European Union. The city is one of the most important economic, transport and cultural centers of the Federal Republic and one of the wealthiest cities in Europe. Munich is the center of the metropolitan region of Munich as well as the administrative seat of the district of Upper Bavaria.